A New Pandemic: Worldwide Political Climate Change

The political climate is changing around the world — well, everywhere, except in the authoritarian countries

By Anil Madan

The political climate is changing around the world — well, everywhere, except in the authoritarian countries, China, Russia, Turkey, Belarus. Even Iran shows signs of some change.

There is a churn as the political waters heat up, and the winds of political climate change blow more forcefully, with more intensity and greater frequency.

Calls for change resonate globally. Pic – International IDEA

What is going on? Why does the entire world seem to be going topsy turvy? I don’t purport to have a definitive answer. This is not like the climate change we see about the weather which should be explainable by science. Political science is, after all, not science at all, but simply voodoo, prognostication, amulet chasing, and all that said, a somewhat enjoyable pastime.

In this year of elections, with yet more to come, most notably the US Presidential election in November, we have seen turmoil and upheaval.

As I see it, there is always a tension between the primary reason that voters are driven to the polls, their economic and personal well-being and security, and the secondary cluster of reasons, those being appeals to religion, racism, hatred, enmity, alleged national security, and similar fancied threats magnified by politicians to look real. Often, we see immigration or terrorism as forces driving voters to the polls, and if one thinks about it, both involve race or religion as an underlying reason for the rejection of those involved. Read More… Become a Subscriber

Mauritius Times ePaper Friday 12 July 2024

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