Socrates and Cephalus discuss the Political Circus on Paradise Island

‘A code of conduct for politicians is like trying to teach a pig to sing opera’

Socratic Dialogue

By Plutonix

In a quaint Athenian tavern, where the air was thick with the aroma of wine and olives, two distinguished figures sat engrossed in conversation amidst the cozy ambiance. Socrates, the venerable philosopher renowned for his probing intellect, and Cephalus, a worldly gentleman with a keen appreciation for irony, were engaged in their customary discourse over matters of politics and virtue. As they reclined comfortably at their table, their minds as sharp as their wit, they embarked on yet another odyssey into the labyrinth of political banter, exploring the musings of Plato and dissecting the tumultuous terrain of Paradise Island’s politics.

Socrates: Ah, Cephalus, my dear friend, let us embark on another voyage into the treacherous waters of political discourse. What say you to Plato’s timeless wisdom that ‘the price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men’?

Cephalus: Ah, Socrates, your inquiries are as sharp as the edge of Zeus’s thunderbolt! Indeed, Plato’s words ring true, but alas, it seems the good men have fallen asleep at the wheel while the charlatans run amok in the political circus.

Socrates: Quite so, Cephalus. Behold the cavalcade of characters parading through the corridors of power in Mauritius! From saints to sinners, it’s a veritable menagerie of mischief-makers. Paradise Islans is alas a land of contrasts, where the political landscape resembles a mosaic of virtue and vice, ambition and apathy. In the annals of history, we find tales of noble leaders, driven by a sincere desire to serve their nation, placing the interests of the country above their own. Yet, amidst this tapestry of virtue, lurk the shadows of corruption and malfeasance. Behold the “dinosaurs” of politics, steadfast in their refusal to yield to new blood, their voices booming like loudspeakers in Parliament, drowning out dissent with their cacophony of self-interest.

Cephalus: That’s really too bad. It’s not what one would expect from Paradise Island…

Socrates: Indeed. But alas, the tale does not end there. For in the darkest corners of political intrigue, we find whispers of shady deals and backroom machinations, as politicians dance to the tune of corruption amidst the chaos of a global pandemic. Stag parties and rave parties, illicit investments in far-off tax havens – the scandals abound, casting a pall over the island paradise. Yes, Mauritius has seen it all – from the noble aspirations of its founding fathers to the ignoble deeds of those who would betray the trust of their fellow citizens.

Cephalus: That’s really bad! It’s as if the gods decided to spice up their divine drama with a pinch of political pandemonium. But tell me, can a mere code of conduct rein in these rambunctious rascals?

Socrates: Ah, the elusive code of conduct! It’s like trying to teach a pig to sing opera – it wastes your time and annoys the pig. Can we truly expect these political peacocks to abide by a set of rules when their feathers are so easily ruffled?

Cephalus: A whimsical analogy, Socrates! But let us not lose ourselves in the folly of it all. Can we realistically corral these political pranksters under the banner of ethical conduct?

Socrates: Aye, Cephalus, ’tis a Sisyphean task indeed. For in the cutthroat world of politics, where ambition reigns supreme, the line between virtue and vice resembles a drunken sailor’s waltz – unsteady and prone to mishaps.

Cephalus: But fear not, Socrates, for amidst the chaos, there are glimmers of hope. Perhaps it is through the collective cacophony of citizenry that we may rein in these political miscreants.

Socrates: Ah, the voice of the people! Like a chorus of drunken revellers at a Dionysian feast – loud, unruly, but occasionally hitting the right note. Can we trust this raucous choir to be the guardians of reason and virtue?

Cephalus: A conundrum indeed, Socrates. But in the labyrinth of democracy, it is the duty of each citizen to navigate the maze of misinformation and seek truth amidst the chaos.

Socrates: Wise words, Cephalus. For as Plato once opined, the price of indifference is to be ruled by evil men. But it is through the crucible of moral courage and intellectual inquiry that we may yet find our way to a more just and equitable society.

Cephalus: A noble sentiment, Socrates. And one that reminds us that even in the midst of political pandemonium, there’s always room for a good laugh and a hearty toast to the absurdity of it all!

The two friends raise their glasses in a toast to the timeless quest for truth and virtue, as the tavern echoes with the laughter and chatter of fellow philosophers and revellers alike.

Mauritius Times ePaper Friday 10 May 2024

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