The Quest for the Golden Ticket

Socratic Dialogue

Politics is about being everything to everyone, especially the leader

By Plutonix

In the labyrinthine world of politics, the quest for electoral tickets is akin to a high-stakes game, where contenders must juggle ambition, pragmatism, and unwavering loyalty. Join us as we delve into the humorous yet enlightening dialogue between the venerable philosopher Socrates, known for his questioning approach, and the seasoned political sage Cephalus, a wealthy and experienced elder with a keen interest in politics. Through their banter, we uncover the hidden truths and absurdities of the electoral process, where principles are often sacrificed at the altar of expediency, and where the road to success is paved with compromises and unexpected twists.

Golden Ticket. Pic – Business Standard

Setting: The dialogue takes place in a quaint Athenian tavern, nestled in a bustling marketplace. Outside, the sounds of the marketplace drift through the open doorway, blending with the distant echoes of political rallies and street performers. It is a scene of timeless intrigue, where philosophy and politics collide in a whirlwind of wit and wisdom.

Socrates: Ah, Cephalus, my old friend! I hear the winds of election are blowing once more. Tell me, what advice do you have for our aspiring politicians?

Cephalus: Ah, Socrates! Politics, my dear fellow, is a game of skill, money, and the right connections. It’s not just about having noble ideas or good intentions. Read More… Become a Subscriber

Mauritius Times ePaper Friday 31 May 2024

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