Trust in surgeons is high

Surgery is thus not merely about carrying out operations on patients – for patients are people, and people like to know that the surgeon is not just a technician, but a true-blue professional with warmth and feelings too

By Dr R Neerunjun Gopee

In general, the health sector and the medical profession in particular are the frequent targets of negative criticisms. Common in normal times, this was boosted during the Covid pandemic, when health services in all countries including the most advanced ones with the highest healthcare expenditures. Overwhelmed, they came under fire for their inadequate organizational response and incapacity to cope with the quasi-tsunami that the pandemic was. In many countries its protracted impact is still being felt, in terms of lengthy appointment times for consultations and needed interventions.

So, it was a redemption of sorts to see the positive vibes on the bright cover of the American Newsweek magazine recently. Below the headline ‘A Cut Above’ one could read the following reassuring words – ‘Why surgeons are the most trusted health care operators.’ Read More… Become a Subscriber

Mauritius Times ePaper Friday 21 June 2024

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