A small new advisory team seems to have more or less acquired controlling influence at the juncture of PMO, Treasury and a few vital “independent” institutions. They are
The Safe City project looks set to be a massively costly investment providing a very partial answer to the capital’s crime problems, while auguring a severely constrained ability
Answering the issues of Resistans ek Alternativ does not require that we adopt a PR system which has shown that it is fraught with many unknowns and quite
We are not alone in the world to be staring squarely at a challenging situation where an electoral and democratic process is being contaminated if not derailed by
The quasi-unanimous outcry of the country and Opposition parties has been for a full-fledged commission of inquiry to understand what happened, how it happened and how to prevent
US, France, India and China are considered friendly capitals, and we have to keep a close tab on their individual naval and geo-political strategies if we want to
Western powers, like France and the US will have to accept a more complex interplay of regional powers and their strategic interests in the Indian Ocean. How the
The statistics of chronic fatalities indicate clearly that the introduction in 2013 of a personal “permis à points” led to the reduction of some 20 fatalities annually
Geopolitical intelligence, all-weather friends and awareness of complex inter-locking issues are vital as we navigate the headier waves of the world’s new and emerging realities
The successive floods of 2016, 2017 and 2018 remind us all too bitterly that the National Disaster Scheme may have been left to idle away in some office
The Mauritian body politic will have at some stage to grapple with some “wicked” issues that many believe are fundamental to our future — By S. Callikan