Rezistans ek Alternativ serait bien inspiré de pousser le gouvernement à recalibrer la plupart des statistiques officielles pour répondre plus efficacement aux attentes des citoyens
We must stop fooling ourselves. Without the advent of a few visionary insiders, a critical mass of outsiders and synergy between all stakeholders, we will not get out
We should better ponder how to, at least, minimise the impact of the Dumbing Down Syndrome and hero (charlatan in most cases) worship on our existence. As, akin
No Logo’ warns us against how we have subtly been transformed into “walking billboards” of lifestyle brands – while at the same time fuelling overconsumption of conspicuous products
The time could not be riper to unleash the change agency capable of turning fake messiahs redundant. It is about breaking the chain of despair, dumping knowledge silos