London’s Chinatown, which lies between Shaftesbury Avenue and Leicester Square, is changing fast. Why? Mainly because the area’s biggest landlord, Shaftesbury, is raising rents exponentially. Unsurprisingly, this increase
Hardly can we take time to appreciate the efforts made on Independence Day to present a most laudable Mauritian culture show put up by local artists, dancers and
This week is dedicated to Liberation: liberation of woman, liberation of the mind and liberation of the country. So many dates are commemorative. On Monday last we had
Trois Demandes et Trois Refus Des attestations académiques Du primaire au tertiaire En passant par le secondaire J’en ai eu mon dû Au prix de multiples sacrifices et
Il est dans la vie d’agréables moments Qui laissent d’heureux souvenirs. Un matin où j’avais une mauvaise grippe Notre fils, encore dans sa tendre enfance, M’a conseillé de
We have heard about ‘nothing succeeds like success’: any success enrobes us in its magic, raises the dopamine level in our brain and gives us that wonderful feeling
Le Théâtre de Port-Louis est encore une fois sous les feux des projecteurs tout comme celui du Plaza. Leur rénovation, si longtemps attendue, est encore une fois d’actualité
(Dédié à Soeur Cécile Leung) Déjà rejeté dans le ventre de sa mère Il est né dans la plus complète indifférence, Dans un milieu aussi froid qu’un glacial
Being in Patna takes quite a different meaning and colouring for me on this trip. Out of 450,000 indentured immigrant workers who came to Mauritius, the first post
Kenya had her Wangari Maathai who won a Nobel prize for planting trees and helping women. Now India has Peepal Baba who has planted twelve million trees
So sing the commercial enterprises and their financial pundits. We suspect that business experts have a hand in its generation and popularity; after all it would be a