As Nepal reels under the devastating shockwaves and aftermath of the 25th April earthquake, people around the world continue to express their grief and dismay at the magnitude
(A la mémoire des sept victimes mauriciennes d’une tragédie aérienne en août 1979) Nous n’irons pas les attendre à Plaisance Nous irons plutôt par le coeur à Santa
With laws recently passed in the states of Maharashtra and Haryana, this brings to 20, out of 29, the number of states in India that completely ban cow
Indian presence in Mauritius can hardly be denied. As at 1860, the demographic profile of Mauritius comprised two-thirds of Indians, the majority of whom hailed from the recruitment
Dans ce frêle habitat de l’humanité, cette terre qui tourne, la vie est un tourbillon, où la lutte pour s’en dégager commence dès la naissance. Certains, à peine
Fruit d’une tradition plusieurs fois millénaire Et de dix mille li de migration, Ma philosophie se résume en ces mots: Le désir des autres est sacré. Qu’importe que
From time immemorial, since the time of the origin of scriptures, conventional beliefs and values have been put forward about womenfolk. Even mythological figures have been portrayed as
Nobel Prize Winner, poet “par excellence”, the gem of the Indian literary world could find no better adjective to qualify the guest “par excellence” who had come to
All the strength and succour you want is within yourselves. Therefore, make your own future. – Swami Vivekananda The Ramakrishna Mission at Vacoas has organized its annual book