Had the Mauritius Cane Industry Authority played its role as a strong regulator today every planter should have been receiving a CANE INCOME instead of a SUGAR INCOME.
Small planters constitute a group of not less than 30,000 representing a vote bank of 120,000 or more or 6,000 per constituency. This plain truth must be reckoned
The whole history of the industry and the political environment in which it has evolved militate against any solution for its present conundrum to be envisaged on the
Il fut un temps — il n’y a guère si longtemps — où une grève dans l’industrie sucrière aurait grandement perturbé toute l’activité économique et politique du pays.
After decrying the proposal of a minimum pension level, government has now approved a significantly higher compensation than the inflation rate costing an additional Rs 3.8 billion to
Ceci n’est pas pour décourager les plus optimistes d’entre nous qui croient encore dans l’avenir de l’industrie sucrière même si sa contribution à l’économie du pays a diminué
as we have known it todate In this article we shall endeavour to recap very briefly some of the historical aspects which are important in order to understand