Financial operators and banks will remain guarded at the risks of further procrastination by greenhorns on the undoubted dangers lurking ahead for the economy, our jurisdiction and its
About a year and a half earlier, Mr Rundheersing Bheenick was replaced by Mr Rameshwurlall Basant Roi as Governor of the Bank of Mauritius (BoM) in the aftermath
Yacoob Ramtoola of BDO, the Special Administrator of the now defunct British American Insurance Co (BAI) appointed by the Financial Services Commission, asked that the assets of the
Last week, we examined the legality of the decision of the Bank of Mauritius (BoM) to advance liquid funds to the Special Administrators of the erstwhile British American
It is barely a fortnight ago the new government’s budget was delivered. It contained two main axes for driving economic growth – creating a number of ‘smart cities’
Instead of reducing the analysis of financial misdemeanors to a matter of regulatory scope, it may be more worthwhile to focus on the enforcement of existing legislation on