Interview : Catherine Boudet — ‘Est-ce que l’ICAC aura la liberté d’enquêter sur les responsabilités du PMO dans l’octroi de passe-droits à Sobrinho pour l’accès au VIP Lounge de
because with great power comes great responsibility, we as a people must demand that the unique marker of holders of high office should be their ethical conduct
During the last three years the public space has been captured by one form of political scandal or the other coming in succession, with the effect of crowding
Pravind Jugnauth should by now have learnt that politeness and civilities in the conduct of politics do not always pay. This is what may have landed him in
The opposition has been calling on Ms Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, President of the Republic, to step down. Such an action has never been undertaken before in Mauritius. The reason
The times are such that the people are no longer willing to tolerate even the slightest whiff of scandal or controversy on the part of any public official
Interview : Catherine Boudet, Sociologue — … pour financer toute cette distribution de faveurs, il faut bien que les politiciens s’appuient sur des sources de revenus’ « Une
The image of the Presidency must not in any way be tarnished. This is because should an amalgam be made, there would spillover effects, tantamount to tarnishing the