Unlike those of our forbears who because of ‘self-respect were overflowing with indignation’, we have over the years developed a lull, and have lost the capacity to bristle
Mahatma Gandhi is considered as the Father of the Nation by Indians and is revered worldwide for the philosophy that guided him — By Nita Chicooree-Mercier
If we modify our behaviours, then we reduce considerably the chances of being affected by such diseases like diabetes, hypertension, obesity, heart disease. But it’s a BIG IF
My last trip to India was in December 2015, when I travelled with family to attend two marriages, thus completing half a century of going back and forth
We need to multiply the steps to man. So that we may go beyond and be done with the dastardly internecine, fratricidal, genocidal and terrorist attacks that are
‘All the strength and succour you want is within yourselves. Therefore, make your own future’ – Swami Vivekananda This applies to individuals as well as countries, of course,
There are hundreds of places of worship: shivalas (Shiv temples), mosques, kovils, pagodas, etc., in this little country of ours. By belief and by habit people pray for