The world economy remains in a weak condition. Our opportunities for doing business with the outside world are therefore fairly limited. Nevertheless, the economy has stayed positive in
The State Bank should cease and desist from finding itself exposed for not having lived up to the normal expectation of trust placed in it by its clients
There was a two-day visit by an Indian delegation of officials this week concerning the Double Tax Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) between the two countries which exists since 1983.
A Breath of Fresh Air in a Sea of Debts: No More Residence Repossession by Banks — V. Lutchmeenaraidoo, Minister of Finance and Economic Development The level of
Interview – Lindsay Rivière, Journaliste et Observateur Politique — « La pire des choses qui puisse arriver au MMM est de commencer à rêver, cette fois, d’une prochaine
The Minister of Finance has made a most disconcerting statement in Parliament last week which seems to have escaped the attention of most commentators. In fact this is
So-called ‘economic miracles’ don’t happen because of the personal charisma of individuals. They happen only because prior work to lay down the foundation for economic overhaul has been
Interview: Dev Virahsawmy « A part Ramgoolam, les gens qui pourront jouer un rôle important dans cette grande alliance sont Valayden, Mohamed… et qui sait, peut-être Xavier Duval